But Brendan Barber , TUC general secretary, warned that many bosses take such hard work for granted.
不过, 英国工会联盟秘书长布兰顿?巴伯提出警告,很多老板认为这样努力工作是理所当然的.
互联网The DG notifies the general secretary within 10 days and the clubs within 15 days.
互联网The building's top floor the office of the RI president and general secretary.
互联网Speaker: Competition secretary: Mr Yannis Sgouros , the general secretary of International Weightlifting Federation.
广播员: 竞赛秘书, 扬尼斯 .斯戈洛斯,国际举重联合会秘书长.
互联网The General Secretary of the CEA issued the certificates to all of them.
互联网Assessing development impacts must be the condition for further trade liberalization, argues IMF general secretary.
互联网General secretary of Tianjin Anatomy Society . The member of China Anatomy Society.
互联网Requests, including a detailed estimate of anticipated expenses, should be forwarded to the general secretary.
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